Leaving - Found Places CS

Image of Leaving - Found Places CS


"I’ve always admired musicians who can create something close to life changing with a three note melody and a steady rhythm. Of course that’s underselling what is achieved, but that’s the great thing, I couldn’t write down how it’s done for you even if I wanted to. I don’t know how Rupert Thomas (aka Leaving) achieves the magic and mystery that he does. His music is easy to take apart, but difficult to pin down. From delicate melancholic pop in Erasers to nine minute, Tangerine Dream style synth epics, he creates atmosphere, tension, bliss and drive like no one else.
Relying on a few analogue synths and a basic drum machine, his latest tape Found Places takes us from up tempo visions of intense mysticism on the title track to the washed out entrancement of Going Nowhere. Like the title implies, this EP isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey. Mr Thomas spends time perfecting the minimal but dense atmospheres he creates. No one else can do it quite like he can." - Andrew Sinclair, The Thousands Perth